The fluidity of infosphere

Han’s discussion of fluidity of information by infomatons in ‘Non-things’ shows how hyper-cultured our society has become. The apt attention we pay to information, which is referred to by Han (2022) as “non-things,” shows that the internet world has changed our lives and reality. The digital terministic screen indeed prevents us from having access to physical reality. The transition from things to non-things shows how society is a victim of infomania as “we run after information without arriving at knowledge.” The digital space can be a space of neighborhood support and oppressiveness.  Let’s be vigilant! (95) [GKK-08]

[Han, 2022]

One thought on “The fluidity of infosphere

  1. I like how you capture the digital space as paradoxical: it can be at once “a space of neighborhood support and oppressiveness.” I agree that vigilance and thoughtful, persistent intervention in digital spaces–especially in ways that re-empower/re-site relationships–is key to fostering a more ethical reciprocity between ourselves, other beings, and non-beings. This is something I’m trying to explore in my first blog carnival post–so I really appreciate the resonance of your words.

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