“Pride and Online Persona”

This semester, more of my work has been public-facing than at any other time up to this point in my coursework. Unexpectedly, I have become increasingly resistant to writing anything. It was suggested to me that this might be a product of my own pride. I’m inclined to believe the person who said that. It…

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“Rhetorical Velocity and Plagiarism”

This past week I watched a video called “Plagiarism and You(tube)” made by HBomberguy. He described in great detail the strategies that several YouTube personalities used to steal intellectual work from other people. The mix and match of text, images, video, and style was dizzying. The environment described by HBomberguy is a strange one, with…

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A word cloud showing top 100 popular words from a set of texts

Diving in the RIDE Blog: Indexing Avatar & Identity

The RIDE Blog connects the ideas of avatar and identity with many different aspects of incarnation and affinities. The following entries went deep to unwrap the associations. Here is just a glimpse—only five among MANY words that are being seen and used from different lights. They open innumerable possibilities. Consider this as a database and…

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Mashup Mirror: A Funhouse Index of Attention

Come one, come all, to the mashup mirror—and get lost in the discursive journey of your reflection. As a response to Brown, Jr.’s call for a “mashup” approach to composing as a “matter of tuning the dial appropriately” and finding synergy between scholê and dromos (89); and Ridolfo and DeVoss’ call to consider how “rhetorical…

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AI’s ability to compute the future is hanging! Will more rehydration be a panacea?

Clive’s idea that AI is thirsty can be witnessed in the unpredictability of AI in most contexts. In conditions where enough preamble and cues are not given to AI, its result production is questionable. It makes its chats skeletal by itemizing general points already established and premeditated information known to everyone. Gleaning from Han’s Non-things,…

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The Precarity of Doing Nothing

I’m very sensitive to the precarity of doing nothing for people who are not in a position to do nothing. Jenny O writes that the “removal of economic security for working people dissolves those boundaries” between them and their employers (15). So even in my own experience, I’ve been unfairly berated by union reps for…

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Corporeality in Pixels: Striking a Balance in the Smartphone Age

Smartphones as digital teddy bears offer incredible connectivity and access to information but introduce elements that may contribute to a derealization of corporeality by altering how individuals perceive, interact with, and present their physical selves in the digital realm. The challenge is to find a balance that acknowledges the benefits of digital connectivity while preserving…

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Implications for Resilience

I once wrote about our reliance on depictions of greatness in the wake of failure. Because we’re prone to fail–and failure being verboten, nor accounted for all that well in our social systems, if at all–human beings must bounce back from failure. Bouncing back is hard. Heroes, however, make it look easy. The ease with…

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