Sahajiya Nath

I did my undergraduate and graduate studies in comparative literature from India, following a research project in digital humanities. I also worked there as a technical communicator for a few years. Then I got married and immigrated to this country, and due to the immigration process, I had to take a long break and stayed at home for 6 years. I then did another master’s in technical communication before starting my Ph.D. Owing to my experience as an immigrant, I am interested in studying visa policies and how they impact the lives of immigrants.

A word cloud showing top 100 popular words from a set of texts

Diving in the RIDE Blog: Indexing Avatar & Identity

The RIDE Blog connects the ideas of avatar and identity with many different aspects of incarnation and affinities. The following entries went deep to unwrap the associations. Here is just a glimpse—only five among MANY words that are being seen and used from different lights. They open innumerable possibilities. Consider this as a database and…

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A graphic to illustrate networking


From Greek -ismos > Latin -isma > French -isme > English -ism, this suffix indicates a system or ideology. A system is a set of rules, and ideology is a systematic set of ideas—as first used in socialist and communist writings with reference to class—is related to political and economic conditions. Dataism (the term coined…

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(in)significant existence

Han’s texts have made me rethink the relevance of human values rooted in cultural identities. Although I spend almost all my day in digital environments, as a millennial, born and raised in a Third-world country, I am not a digital native. I have experience and memories of rhetorical practices outside the digital jungle. The all-encompassing…

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Speeding lights

Han and the Hype of Hyperculture

In a post-globalization world, when the horizon of cultural mixing is rapidly expanding and we are renegotiating our understanding of values, perceptions, and habits—Byung-chul Han sees this cultural shifting through a lens of optimism and names it Hyperculture. The definition of culture is varied and anthropologists, sociologists, or literary critics explain the term from different…

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A graph showing the mention of the term hermeneutics in texts over time.

The Journey of Hermeneutics

Hermeneutics refers to the study of interpretation. The word’s journey started with an Anatolian origin as a technical expression through Greek hermēneuō (to interpret) to hermeneutes (interpreter) to hermeneutikos (of or for interpreting). Another etymology of the term was established by Martin Heidegger that traces its origin to Greek hermeneuein (v.), which is related to…

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