Our Technology Talks, What Does it Say?

Throughout our semester, we have discussed repeatedly that modern technology and the “spaces” resulting from it–the Cloud, the feed, the stream–are poor substitutes for these things in our non-online world and experience, that it in fact is insulting to those things and their place in our lives for us to consider their digital substitutes “real.”…

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Paying it Forward Through Rhetorical Velocity

Rhetorical velocity (Ridolfo & DeVoss 2009) for the sake of generating plagiarizer-friendly texts that can be recomposed for additional purposes perhaps outside the intentions of the original rhetor or rhetors is a nifty pedagogical strategy for teaching students about the vulnerability of their texts, interconnectedness of their rhetorical subjectivities, and the impact of the dromosphere…

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A word cloud showing top 100 popular words from a set of texts

Diving in the RIDE Blog: Indexing Avatar & Identity

The RIDE Blog connects the ideas of avatar and identity with many different aspects of incarnation and affinities. The following entries went deep to unwrap the associations. Here is just a glimpse—only five among MANY words that are being seen and used from different lights. They open innumerable possibilities. Consider this as a database and…

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Digital Rhetoric as Rhetoric of Survivance in Embracing Social Justice and Inclusiveness of internalized and indigenous knowledge

Digital rhetoric is a negotiation of information—and its historical, social, economic, and political contexts and influences—to affect change of survivance (survival and resistance) in the network spaces. Despite the space being dominated by specific dominant cultures, scholars, both indigenous and internalized, of digital cultural rhetorics have responded with research methodologies and inclusive rhetorical paths of…

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RIDE in a Nutshell: A Blog Content Review

The Rhetoric in Digital Environments (RIDE) blog has facilitated thoughtful discussions and critiques around rhetorical concepts in digital spaces over the course of this semester. A diverse range of topics have been covered across different categories. This entry is a review of all the categories that summarize the correlational critical contents that have been submitted…

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