‘Sankofanarration’ as a tool for embracing social justice and inclusivity in Tech Com

Banks’s (2011) work on Digital Griots seeks to project afrofuturistic movements to nudging for non-western and diasporic rhetoric to inclusively have a space in Digital Rhetoric. What the field of Writing and Tech Com needs to know is that there is communal and indigenous knowledge from different national cultures that needs to be embraced to build a strong community of scholars. As Ghanaian rhetoric, “Sankofanarration” is a meld of Sanko (go back and take) and narration. The term suggests that we need to value aspects of performance (DJing) in Composition and Tec Com. (93) [GKK-07]

[Banks, 2011; Korankye, 2023]

2 thoughts on “‘Sankofanarration’ as a tool for embracing social justice and inclusivity in Tech Com

  1. Sankofanarration sounds exceptionally promising as a framework for inquiring into and perhaps also practicing Ghanaian rhetorics. I’m struck, too, by an implied connection here between technology and narration; I wonder, is sankofanarration commonly practiced, and are its most common performances already making use of composing technologies?

  2. One of my favorite quotes is from Ola Rotimi’s Eye of the Earth, where he writes that “in the intricate realities of human living, looking back is looking forward; the visionary artist is not only a rememberer, he is also a reminder” (xiii). I believe this echoes the ideology of Sankofanarration and its representation of taking from the past to account for the present and the future. All of these metaphors of networked relationality are integral to scholarly narratives and the functionality of data to account for pressing exigencies and future implications.

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