Dataism as a Religion and an Exodus from Humanism : The Martyrs and Prophets    

Dataism posits that the universe operates as a network of data flow, wherein humans function as organisms driven by biochemical algorithms, and machines rely on electronic algorithms. Both these systems are viewed as algorithms, highlighting their fundamental similarity.  According to this perspective, intuition is subjective, and the growing influence of big data could render it…

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RIDE Blog Carnival #1 Playback

Many of the blog carnivals of the 2000s responded to moments and events; I remember them as informal, self-selective with regard to participation, and staggered in time so as to foster dialogue and cross-hatched linking to one another’s entries. Simply, conversations played out. The carnivals that have endured through University of Michigan’s Digital Rhetoric Collaborative…

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Speeding lights

Han and the Hype of Hyperculture

In a post-globalization world, when the horizon of cultural mixing is rapidly expanding and we are renegotiating our understanding of values, perceptions, and habits—Byung-chul Han sees this cultural shifting through a lens of optimism and names it Hyperculture. The definition of culture is varied and anthropologists, sociologists, or literary critics explain the term from different…

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The Rise of Technofeminism as a part of resistance in Digital Space and Culture

– In Computer and Composition, technofeminism has emerged to critique the historical domination of male figures in the domain of digital spaces, technology and culture, which were inherently biased against women. The hegemonic designs and definitions of technology often limit women as eternal outsiders in that very realm and perpetuate harmful stereotypes as technologically challenged/inferior…

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Do Archives Face an Existential Threat in the Digital Age?

The rapid growth of information and communication technology can certainly bring challenges to archives and any theory/practice that is related to it. Internet-based services are capable of replicating all the functions of the archival institutions, as studied by Ivan Szekely. Most of the documents are available online in today’s world which makes them more user-friendly…

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Abstract art of convoluted elements that represent multiple realities.

Get Used to It: We are All Characters in a Hyperspace of Possibilities

To begin with, reading Borges (2018) was quite nostalgic; it brought back memories of literary criticism, the necessity of thematic coding, and events that come to life in your mind. Now, I nearly feel confident in predicting that whoever wrote the script for The Flash (2023) got some inspiration from this short story and its…

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Dizzily Growing Network

Dizzily Growing Network

Reading Borges in the past, I remember regarding the infinite permutations of “garden”-pathing, forecasting hypertext, abundant, wonderful, and inviting. But this time, the fourth? or fifth?, a Friday afternoon in late August, am struck by the inexhaustible and therefore exhausting (for mortal humans) infinitude. A garden does not plant, nor water, nor curate itself. The…

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