Listening as Intervention

I’m drawn to Jennifer Clary-Lemon’s new materials environmental rhetoric for many reasons, one of which involves her call for us to “listen better” to the troubled/troubling ways we dwell amidst—and are implicated within—environmental change and destruction.  I think of “listening better” as a valuable extension of “deep listening,” as both approaches to sensed/sensing dwelling provoke…

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AI’s ability to compute the future is hanging! Will more rehydration be a panacea?

Clive’s idea that AI is thirsty can be witnessed in the unpredictability of AI in most contexts. In conditions where enough preamble and cues are not given to AI, its result production is questionable. It makes its chats skeletal by itemizing general points already established and premeditated information known to everyone. Gleaning from Han’s Non-things,…

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land-based rhetoric as a pedagogy

Using land-based literacy to understand how experiences are shaped by material and embodied interaction. Such evidence of land-based rhetorical work can be seen in the digital Samaritan project by Jim Ridolfo. The scholar works with and for the Samaritan community to increase access to their cultural patrimony through digitization. This digital work by Rudolfo was…

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On the Metaphorization of Land and Conscious Digital Composing

While reading Arola’s essay and her preoccupation with digital design and cultural materiality, I recalled Liboiron’s Pollution is Colonialism and how she also uses the metaphor of “Land” to agitate for cultural sensitivity. The two scholars tend to metaphorize “Land” as a cultural symbol of both the material and immaterial, including humans whose identities are…

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