RIDE Blog Carnival #2 Rewind

Rewind the tape, cup an ear, settle in: RIDE blog carnival #2 mixes with repair and context collapse, community and corporeality, storying and rhetoric’s reconstitutive capacity, and more: nine distinctive yet generatively syncopated entries. Due to longer lines at the ferris wheel ticket window and kettle corn stand, carnival #1 yielded more time for composing…

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Beyond the Looking Glass of “Likes”: What a Move to the Country Taught Me About Context Collapse and Relational Repair

It’s October of 2018. I’m moving to the rural fringes of my college town, and I’m anxious. I brace myself for lawns adorned with confederate flags and Trump memorabilia. I have imaginary dialogues with bible-thumping, gun-toting neighbors who would likely peg me, at first glimpse, as a liberal “snowflake.” I feel as though I’m venturing…

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Crowded Zoo, Empty World

One of the most manipulative aspects of the like vs. dislike framework is how much it limits our encounters with ourselves and others. Odell writes about how algorithms “incrementally entomb” us until we become a static, deeply monolithic sum of our likes—an ‘us’ that fosters self-understanding through tidy, world-shrinking formulas shrouded as play (137). Meanwhile,…

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